Section: New Results

Miscellaneous security issues in capillary networks.

Participants: Ochirkhand Erdene-Ochir, Fabrice Valois, Marco Fiore

Resiliency in routing protocols.

Within the ARESA2 project, we defined the notion of resiliency for routing protocols in wireless sensor networks and we applied it to several routing strategies to provide an understandable taxonomy [3] . Efforts have been made to compare routing protocols according to their resiliency in wireless multi-hop sensor networks in the presence of packet dropping malicious insiders. In [13] , we proposed a new taxonomy of routing protocols obtained by applying our resiliency metric. Several resiliency enhancing methods such as introducing a random behavior to the classical routing protocols and a new data replication method based on the distance information have been evaluated as well. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Verifying the positions announced by mobile nodes.

A growing number of ad hoc networking protocols and location-aware services require that mobile nodes learn the position of their neighbors. However, such a process can be easily abused or disrupted by adversarial nodes. In absence of a-priori trusted nodes, the discovery and verification of neighbor positions presents challenges that have been scarcely investigated in the literature.

We proposed a fully-distributed cooperative solution that is robust against independent and colluding adversaries. Results show that our protocol can thwart more than 99% of the attacks under the best possible conditions for the adversaries, with minimal false positive rates [5] .

A centralized solution was also developed, that leverages anonymous position beacons from vehicles, and the cooperation of nearby cars collecting and reporting the beacons they hear. Such information allows an authority to verify the locations announced by vehicles, or to infer the actual ones if needed [18] .